Cabbage White Butterfly

22 Jul 2019

Facts about the cabbage white: The cabbage white is found everywhere except the deep woods. Flight period: April to October. Area of Ohio: The European cabbage is known from all 88 counties.

Point of interest: the cabbage white butterfly was introduced into Quebec, Canada About 1860 and has spread across North America. Today it is the state’s (Ohio’s) most common butterfly. It is one of the few Ohio butterflies that will fly on overcast days. The larvae of the cabbage white feed on a wide variety of plants in the mustard family including both native and non native species such as cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, mustards, and radish. It can be a pest species. source Common Butterflies and Skippers of Ohio. Ohio department of natural resources,division of wildlife. Ohio DNR Wildlife Guide PLEASE DO NOT SPRAY cabbage white butterflies because it can harm “Good bugs”. There is not such a thing as a “bad bug”, but there is such a thing as non native species. A non native species means they’re not natural to the food chain that is in the Country or state that you live in.